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Our goal is to serve, support, and shepherd the adult groups formed according to interests, age, needs, or fellowship, working through the FPC Mission Statement, "To know Christ and make Him known."

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN: Coordinates and organizes FPC Women's Monthly Bible Study, Annual Women's Retreat, Fall & Spring Events, and PCUSA Birthday & Thank Offerings. The Coordinating Director is Candace Peterson.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY:  Whether they are called Prayer Shawls or Peace Shawls, the shawl maker knits each shawl with prayers and blessings for the recipient. These shawls can be used for: undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after the loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation; commitment or marraige ceremonies; birthing, bridal shower or wedding gift; during an illness and recovery; ministering to others;...there are endless possibilities! Please join us as we gather to knit or crotchet a prayer shawl. 
CHURCH GARDEN:  The church garden produces yummy tomatoes and peppers during the summer months and variety of pumpkins, eggplants, and vegetables throughout the fall to be enjoyed by the congregation and our BIG Wednesday Dinners. Cindy Peterson works diligently in maintaining and cultivating the production of the crops.

SECOND FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP GROUP:  We are made up of a great group of individuals who are inviting and welcome any newcomers. Our gatherings are hosted within our own midst, we take turns each month by coordinating and organizing a social event either at a restaurant or at home with good food and great games. Just as the title says, our fellowship group meets every second Friday of the month. We encourage everyone to join us for this wonderful time of getting to know one another in a very casual & comfortable setting. 

MEN'S COFFEE:  We meet every Wednesday morning at 9:00am for a time of Devotion, Hot breakfast and Conversation! 

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